8 Tips for Staying Organized When Moving

8 Tips for Staying Organized When Moving

Everyone who has moved before can confess that moving is a stressful process. Some people have had it easy with minimal stress, while others have had nightmares. However, knowing the tricks of moving can help make it less stressful. One vital thing you need to do when moving is to remain organized. Staying organized when moving saves time and eliminates costly mistakes and too much work. Furthermore, it also makes unpacking smooth and organized at the new place. The following tips will help you stay organized when moving.

  • Plan

It is essential to have a plan of how you will handle things. Start early and make all the necessary arrangements to ensure you finish moving within the designated time. Remember, planning includes knowing the packing supplies you need, how to get to your new place, and pack your items. Planning is the first step to being organized when moving.

  • Get Movers

Movers like Drop A Box can help you stay organized. They are experienced in moving, so they know how to pack like pros. They can also provide a container where you can pack your items well. When you have the help of movers, you minimize stress. That means the less stress you have, the more you will be focused on being organized.

  • Declutter

Removing clutter in your home is also advisable before you start packing. Removing clutter not only reduces your load but also helps you stay organized. It is easy to pack items when you know you need them. Therefore, ensure you will be organized in your new home by starting with the old one. Sell, donate, throw away or store the items you no longer use. It will help you stay organized and pack easily.

  • Create an Inventory List

Stay organized by creating an inventory list. After decluttering, develop a list of the items left, starting with the most important ones. We recommend making the list room by room, so you know how much stuff you have in every room. List down the items you need to pack, along with the deadline. It will arrange your time, so you know how much time you have to pack every room. Having a packing list and setting a timeline for each room ensures you don’t spend too much time in one room.

  • Pack Room-by-Room

Ensure you are also organized by packing one room at a time. It helps you keep items belonging to one room in one place. It also ensures you don’t leave anything behind. So, avoid mixing up your things by packing a room at once.

  • Label the Boxes

Labeling your boxes will also make it easy to identify the contents and the room. Therefore, indicate the items inside and the room after you fill a box. You can also use color codes to differentiate the rooms.

  • Pack a Box of Essentials

You don’t want to dig into every box to look for a brush or change clothes. Therefore, as you pack, set aside a box of essentials where you put every item you use frequently. Things to put in the box of essentials include toiletries, a change of clothes, medications, snacks, phone chargers, etc.

  • Call the Utility Companies

Call the utility companies in the old and new places to ensure everything is set. The utility company in the old home should disconnect the utilities, and the company in the new house should set up the utilities like gas, electricity, water, and internet.

To Conclude

The best way to stay organized is to create a moving checklist and ensure you have ample time to pack. Without these, you will not know what you are doing and how much work you have left.

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