Good decorating contractors in London barely find it challenging to paint and give a house a perfect finish — have you ever wondered why this is so? The thing is these painters understand that painting a house is not as simple as it looks so they find ways to get through the work easily and still achieve the perfect finish.

If you have spent time with London painters & decorators, you would have understood that painting is not all about dipping a brush in paint and applying it to the wall.

Being professional decorators, we have been called upon a thousand and one times to right the wrongs of some DIYs and unprofessional paintings. A lot of people have chosen to spend less on getting a good painting done for them but end up spending more to correct the mistakes caused by unskilled painting and some even settle for managing a cruelly painted home or office.

Here are some things you should before you delve into hiring a painter or doing the job yourself.

Your House Is Highly Valued So Treat It Like It Is

You’ve spent so much to get your house and so, you must strive to make it look just as important as it is. Don’t get it wrecked by some self-acclaimed painters. Many at times, we have been sympathetic enough to rework the bullshit done by unskilled painters because we understand that there are times a person wants to save more money by paying less though it doesn’t really work out that way.

Anyways, if you are the all independent type and you still want to paint your dearly beloved home yourself, follow our well laid out tips to save your home the havoc other DIYs cause.

Tips To Help You Successfully Paint Your Home

It is okay to want to paint your home yourself; you will always be satisfied when you look back at the work you did with your very own hands.

These tips will help you express yourself better on your wall without screwing it up.

  1. Understand that painting is not as easy as it looks

Painting is not easy, so you should never presume it is. If it was, millions of people wouldn’t have dedicated their quality time to learning how to bring out the best from painting.

Painting always works out well when the painter has the right tools, skills, experience and confidence; without which, the painting would only end up being a mess and in this case, should only be handed over to a professional painter.

You can easily get a quote and make a decision. Feel free to get up to three quotes and compare the prices but when choosing, do not go for the cheapest because if you do not pay the price now, your house definitely will!

  1. Prepare well, this is the biggest part of the job

More time should be spent on preparing before getting started with the job. Professional painters give the largest part of their time (about 60-70% of it) to preparation. This makes the job quite easy and a perfect finish possible.

Before opening your paint, spend quality time scraping off the previous paint, killing mould, filling the cracks and the beading gaps of the window, and doing the other preparation processes. Do not rush it as the quality of your work depends mostly on the quality of your preparation.

Do not be tempted to trust the “one-coat paint” to cover up for your poor preparation; it doesn’t, and it will end up frustrating you the more. We do not even advice DIY painters to use the “one-coat paint” because of its poor opacity.

  1. Let quality be your watchword

Always go for the best quality. Use the best tools — there are brushes and rollers of different qualities and prices. The best quality tools may be expensive but they are always worth it. Going for the cheap brushes and rollers is like preparing yourself to have the worst painting of your life. They will barely hold paint and will definitely shed their hairs while painting; some of them will even be stuck to the wall!

This also applies to the paint you buy. Poor quality paint does not last as long as the good quality ones do. They will wear off quickly and cause you to spend more and undergo another painting session.

  1. Start with the edges

Every professional painter knows it is wise to start from the corners, edges and nooks and crannies of the house to paint before spreading the paints on the other parts of the wall. This makes the work quite easy and fast.

Also, paint from the top of the wall downwards. This will help you achieve a more uniform appearance when you are done painting.

Your work will be easier and look better if you avoid a messy hand. Your hands can stay clean while painting if you do not dip the brush or roller more than a quarter into the paint can.

Do not forget to cover your floor with an old blanket or dust sheets. This will save you from spending an extra day or two cleaning off spilt paint.

  1. Do what the professionals do

The way you think and approach a matter will greatly determine the result you get from it. To have the results of the pros, think and act like them.

Get all your tools together, know all you need and get them from the store. After this, dress up for painting, this will help get your mind ready for the work and will prevent you from getting your precious clothes stained.

Do not forget to take out all the furniture from the room. Take your time to prepare and get the surfaces ready for painting.

Paint with all the tips you’ve learnt here and you will find out the result will be like that of a pro. When you are done, clean up and keep all your tools together in a safe place.

You can trust us

Paint Works London is a team of London painters & decorators who have successfully painted many homes and workplaces in both London and its environs. You can trust our counsel and if you have any challenge with painting, feel free to reach out.

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